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    May 19, 2018
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999 SUMMER-SAO CLEANING CARTERS 1. DRAIN WATER HEATER 29 with repair 2. PLUMBING&SUMP PUMP EXANM 3. KITCHEN DRAIN TREATMENT-BIO CLEAN LICENSED Plumber cersReg $129. Not valid with any other offers annot combine rs Some restriktions 859-9applCoupon must be presented at time of service. PROTECTING YOUR BEALTH AND SAFETY SAVE 50 3 Generations of Family Tradition ANY PLUMBING REPAIR OR DRAIN CLEANING au Not valid wath any other offes Canot ombine offers Some restrictionsapply. Coupon must be presented at time of service Locally Owned and Operated Kelson Carter, Prince of Plumbing FREE ALL TYPES OF PLUMBING REPAIR &REPLACEMENT Water Heater Repair& Replacements Basement Flood Prevention & Backup Systems Sump &Sewage Pumps Drain Cleaning TanklessWaterHeaters-Free Estimates ex Electronic LakDetection Water Softeners & Saltless Tallet & Faucet Repairs Plumbing Service Call Hose Spigots Repaired or Added Under Slab Leaks .Withepar. Some restrictionsapplyCouponmust bepresented at time of service. Cannot be com- bined with any other offers onersGarbage Disposal Replacement · Gas Lines&Gas Repairs renching&Badthee Services Schedale on line at NEEDA BACKUP PLAN3 ANY GAS OR ELECTRIC We specialize in battery back up sump pump systems! Never worry about your basement flooding with a prop erly sized back up sump pump. ATER HEATER 00 OFF TANKLESS aurar. Not valid with any other offers. Some restrictions applyx Coupon must be presented at time ofi senvice